Membership Service

Why become a PC HELP! Member?

PC HELP! members enjoy special discounts and benefits. If you believe you would have the need for at least 4 hours of computer service per year, the membership will pay for itself!

What do PC HELP! Members Receive?

    • Discounted Rates
      Membership with us gives you a significant discount: 20% off of our regular business hourly rate!
    • Remote Assistance
      When circumstances allow, we can assist you remotely over the Internet using a secure remote access tool. This service is charged by the quarter hour only, with no hour minimum.
    • More Billing Options
      As a member you have the option of being billed for your service rather than paying at the time of service.
    • Rebates on your Next Service
      If service is paid onsite, or within 15 days of being billed, 10% of your service cost is credited toward your next service. Effectively, you pay yourself a credit towards your next service visit!